About Me
I am a cosplayer and costume designer currently living in the Seattle area. I have only been officially cosplaying since 2009 but I have been creating costumes and replicas since 2002.
I create costumes because I am passionate about bringing characters off the screen and into the real world.
The majority of the skills I have acquired through this hobby have been completely self taught through vigorous and diligent research.
3rd Place - Bluebird (DC Comics/Batman Eternal) - Costume Contest Comics Category, Emerald City Comic Con 2014
Best Journeyman Costume - Mistletoe LeBlanc (League of Legends) - Costume Contest, NewCon PDX 2013
1st Place - Elspeth, Sun's Champion (Magic: The Gathering) - Wizards of the Coast Halloween Costume Contest, Wizards of the Coast 2013
Featured on:
Justice Points Podcast - Episode 21 (http://justicepoints.com/2013/12/03/episode-21-cosplay-sexism-sharp-knees-and-super-fun-times/)
Leetsauced Podcast - Episode 57 (http://www.leetsauced.com/2012/ep-57-pai-gow-wow-tcg-and-other-ways-to-lose-your-money)
Double O Podcast - Episode 10 (http://doubleopodcast.com/2011/10/episode-10-blinded-by-the-lightwell/)
HolyShatt Podcast Maxim Gamer Girl Pt2 (http://www.holyshatt.net/2012/maxim-gamer-girl-pt2/#more-749)
World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (Blood Knight Lynesta)
Things I Do
- Accessories
- General
- Seamstress
- Female Characters
- Other
- Makeup Artist