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Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Sirena Cosplay Valkyrie Leona

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Avacyn by Spacehamster Cosplay

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Sakura Con 2015 day 1

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
James and Lily Potter: Batarang Kisses

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Fate/Stay : Arturia (K of PK Cosplay)

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Attack On Titan: Joanna

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Kitty Cosplay (Beauty and the Beast)

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Dexa Cosplay

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Yelaina May Cosplay

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Tarah Rex Cosplay

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo Day 2

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Sakura-con 2014 day 2

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Sakura-Con 2014 day 1

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Secret project shoot

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Harley's Joker

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie
Neon Strike Vi (Jynx Art & Cosplay)

Undiscovered Photography *Jessie