About Me

Owner and one of the photographers at www.undiscoveredphotography.com

“We are geeks, and photographers, actually we are photography geeks or is that geek photographers… When you meet us you will have to decide.”

We specialize in Cosplay, Geek and Glamour photography.

more to come

Things I Do


  • Event Coverage
  • Photo Shoots


  • Interviews
Browse All Galleries
Undiscovered Photography *Jessie Sirena Cosplay Valkyrie Leona
Undiscovered Photography *Jessie Avacyn by Spacehamster Cosplay
Undiscovered Photography *Jessie Metalocalypse
Undiscovered Photography *Jessie Sakura Con 2015 day 1
Undiscovered Photography *Jessie James and Lily Potter: Batarang Kisses
Undiscovered Photography *Jessie Fate/Stay : Arturia (K of PK Cosplay)
Undiscovered Photography *Jessie Attack On Titan: Joanna
Undiscovered Photography *Jessie Kitty Cosplay (Beauty and the Beast)
Undiscovered Photography *Jessie Dexa Cosplay
Undiscovered Photography *Jessie Yelaina May Cosplay
Undiscovered Photography *Jessie Tarah Rex Cosplay
Undiscovered Photography *Jessie Odst