Powerpuff Girls Series by J.L.Peacock Studios
Cosplayer: Tinka Cosplay
Website: https://www.facebook.com/tinkacosplay/
Cosplayer: Cloud To
Cosplayer: Mew21 Cosplay
Website: https://www.facebook.com/mew21cosplay/
Cosplayer: Blue Shoes Cosplay
Website: https://www.facebook.com/blueshoescosplay/
Photographer: J.L.Peacock Studios
Website: www.jlpeacockstudio.smugmug.com
Social Websites: http://jlpeacockstudio.smugmug.com/Pages/Facebook-Pages/n-X4kt3
All images posted here belong and are copyrighted to the above owners. Unauthorized use is prohibited and will result in legal action if permission is not given prior by one of the above owners. If you would like to work with any of the team, please follow the links above to their website.