ThermoCosplay ThermoCosplay August 23rd, 2015 at 12:50 AM

Hello everyone!

Every Wednesday we’ll post about a happy little accident in cosplay. Today's story is about cutting Sintra...

"While attempting to make my armor for GoGo Tomago I ran into some trouble with the foam and paint fusing to a tarp so I had a last minute dash with Sintra. Sintra looks like it will be easy to cut...IT'S NOT. What I discovered while accidentally scoring an area I didn't mean to cut, is that the score weakened the Sintra and allowed me to bend the cut enough to slice all the way through. Getting creative, I score the Sintra, hit it with a heat gun on the scored lines then fully cut with a sturdy utility knife and BAM! I had a clean, even cut that did not require sanding! "