Here is my confession: I didn't even watch that show this much, like, you know..., maybe twice. But when my dear friends Lunedor and Eleclya talked about making this trio come alive, I was tempted. I thought our casting would be pretty much spot on. And then, surfaced the artwork of Artgerm with these three lovely girls turned "ouh-la-la-laaaadiiiiies"! And we had to make this happen, loosely inspired by the image: .
This costume is the proof of a few things. My never-ending love for cosplay groups (even though I don't know the source material this much; or even if the costume in itself isn't anything mind-blowing!), my splendid habit of saying YES to projects I obviously won't be able to squeeze in my already superbusy cosplay making schedule (...), PROCRASTINATION, and my devotion to this crazy hobby to the point where I never want to drop a project, and even less so if I'm teamed up with awesome peeps like the ones I'm always surrounded by!
So, this costume was, in the end, really lazy. I took the dress from my wardrobe (the only pink dress I own was about the right colour, HA!). I made the oversized bow a little cartoony because I love those! ^_^ The wig was a leftover from Flame Princess. Not exactly the good shade of orange, but for something as improvised as this costume, it was fine. I bought gloves on eBay for the three of us, and found my boots in a store for 30$ (win).
Bubbles: Eleclya
Worn for Katsucon 2014