Simon is yet another young boy who, apparently, some people thought I could portray! Well, what can I say?! Young boys are one of my type-casts.
That being said, I was more or less dragged into this group by my Yoko and Nia (and so was Kamina!), who had already made their costumes for a duo the year before. But in the end, I didn't play Simon against my will at all! I loved the anime (watched it all in three days!), and I remember I was truly PUMPED for the group to happen while making the costume.
It was my first time making an open bind, and it was a very enlightening experience (read: mistakes were made and pains were had)... Seriously, it wasn't as uncomfortable as I had initially expected- that is, functioning with the binding. But the first time around, I was cut on my sides (where the arms kept rubbing on the tape). The second time, I decided to put light fabric between my skin and the tape! Victory! The binding itself didn't hurt me! ...Except that I had gotten myself a nightmarish sunburn all over my chest region the day before, as Angela. Without further details, I'll let you imagine what happens when you remove tightly stretched sports tape from swelling skin... I still shudder thinking about it (and it was a second-degree burn, from what I gathered after...). It hurt like hell! 8'D
I had an awesome family to hang out with~!! We were quite popular that year at Anime North, and I feel like we were all very true to our characters, in terms of physical likeness (and height ratio, ha!).
Yoko (and Kamina):
Worn for G-Anime 2011
Worn for Anime North 2011