So back in 2010 I got an email from ACP asking if I would be interested in helping out with some top secret Hetalia promotions with Funimation, and I immediately jumped on board. At that point I have been meaning to make China's military outfit, so I just finally had motive to get my butt in gear and do it already.
The fabric I used was a cotton twill. I don't remember much of my process for making this cosplay. From what I do remember, I based my pattern off a commercialized one, which I modified to my needs. The pants are elastic pants 'cuz I'm a lazy mofo, and no one was gonna see the waistband anyway, so no fucks. haha
The star on the armband was hand painted. It took like 10 coats of paint to get it completely opaque. I only remember this part 'cuz I remember yelling about it on twitter. haha
The puttees I made out of jersey knit, cutting it up into strips, and then sewing them together. I have all of the regrets making it out of jersey knit. I don't know what I was thinking 'cuz jersey knit tends to roll it always takes forever for me to get them on and off. Easily spend 20 minutes getting them on, and then another 20 getting them off.
The belt is made from vinyl, which I sewed together, inserted a buckle, made some holes, and there was my belt.