Starlord's helmet is the highlight of this cosplay. It was my first Bondo/Resin helmet I built. My very first helmet I successfully built actually. I epically failed the first time by trying to attempt a clay build. It was most likely my fault, as I was probably not using the proper clay, so when it dried up, there were cracks everywhere. Plus it was heavy as hell, so that's what prompted me to do a lighter build.
I started with a downloaded AutoCAD file that I turned into printable cutouts, in which I mimicked those cutouts onto cardboard. From the cardboard, I put the pieces together with some simple hot-glue, then coated with a light layer of bondo, then resin. A few plumbing supplies were used for the detail of the face mask. I used Pencil Sharpener Covers I obtained from the dollar store, for the eyes, after coloring over them with red sharpie (a very useful and cheap technique for procrastinators). After painting, it was all set. The final result didn't match the exact detail to the movie, but how it came out, made it look unique to me, and I had a fun time wearing it at Phoenix Comicon Fanfest.