View our skit here: Best in Show at Megacon 2012!
Too freaking much to type. Our leader Baby Snow Leopard will soon be posting a full writeup of how the electronics were accomplished. The rest of the outfit was made with super shiny metallic spandex and super thick interfacing. Also the clear blue vinyl material of DOOM. Not only was it expensive, the sewing machine HATES it! The dress and sleeves are all lined with soft jersey. I definitely need to revisit parts of this and repair the weaker connections in the skirt and wrists. The waistline looks bunchy because it got a little stretched but I still wanted to line up the vertical lines, so I have to figure out how to fix that because it looks like muffin top ~.~ The skirt was truly a nightmare for me from start to finish. Patterning it was HORRID and just every step screwed somethign else up and I wanted to set the whole thing on fire. The masochistic part of me wants to redo the dress from scratch properly. With metal boning from the start.
I lost way, way too many hours of sleep finishing this thing. But this would have never happened without my amazing teammates. Also these were originally my idea to do so all of my girls have the right to punch me in the face =( But damn I am happy with how we look! I LOVE COSPLAYING AS LAS VEGAS.