Costume made by me with some help from my dad with Paracelsus and the head key. First costume I ever entered in a masquerade (craftsmanship division).
Wig: China Cosplay Wigs
Head key: Styrofoam, duct tape, acrylic paint, attached to headband
Undershirt: Gauze sewn to white stretch fabric remnants, acrylic paint for blood
Shirt flap: White canvas, black polyprope, grommets, red rope
Arm bandage: Gauze sewn to white stretch fabric remnants
Skirt: White canvas, black polyprope, grommets
Belt key: Craft foam
Glove: Cut fingers off of gloves, added craft foam
Leg bandages: Gauze sewn to white stretch fabric remnants
Shoes: Store bought
Paracelsus: PVC pipe, styrofoam, duct tape, chains, craft foam, acrylic paint, spray paint