P-Body was a fun, but challenging costume to make.
It first started as an idea in December 2013, and then by January, I started working on him.
He was first debuted at Shutocon 2014, and I worked nearly everyday until the con to get him ready. There are still a few things I need to fix before I wear him again.
All of the costume is made out of EVA and craft foam. The main body parts (top and bottom) are made from EVA foam. The arms, gloves, legs, knees, shoulders, and feet were made out of craft foam.
The wire in the back was made from a wooden dowel rod, and the arms were these clear tubes that I had and spray painted.
There are two LEDs in his eyes, one going around the tube and then another for the main part of his eye. The portal gun also has a LED in the front of it.
The costume is a little hard to wear, but is a ton of fun! I love seeing how the kids react to it.
At a later con, I also got the voice actor of Glados to sign my Portal gun! C: