I love Nanami. She's like me, a sleepy video game-obsessed girl! She's also adorable.
I sewed the hoodie from material cut from an XXXL men's hoodie because I could not find the correct color/texture fabric anywhere. I'm not 100% pleased with it, though!
My friend Cassie made the patch for me with her embroidery machine, and I love the quality! My friend Patches made the barette out of shrinky dink paper (since I didn't have any).
The shirt is kind of awful (thank goodness that it's under a hoodie.) It was originally an xl men's shirt that I sized down kind of poorly. The buttons are actually snaps, with the tops of other buttons glued on. MAGIC OK. I just... really didn't wanna make button holes.
The skirt is a french toast brand school uniform skirt that had about 12 inches chopped off and hemmed for accuracy. The shoes I've had for ages, they were in the children's section. $2 holla! I wanted more accurate ones, but I have yet to be able to find any.
The wig was another exercise in patience. I ordered a character specific wig on eBay, and received a bright purple one because the sellers were stealing Taobao pictures. I lucked out with my second order, and I'm grateful to my friend Krissy for helping me find it.
The bag was also from Amazon, and it's so cute and nice. The seller claims it was handmade by a big fan but I have my doubts about that, it definitely looks commercial, lol.
I am so pumped for SDR2's English release. DR was one of the most fun games I've played in a long time, and the SDR2 playthrough on SA was really fun--though I stopped reading when I realized I would have a chance to play it myself!