Bought the suit from zentai zone and removed the sleeves to replace them with silver fabric.
I made the chest plate with EVA foam and covered the border with black worbla.
Then I painted it with some magenta and glittery glue. The little "holes" one the chest plate are red fake rubis/glitter sticker and the gray circle is made out of crafting foam.
The belt is one that I bought in a store. I cut it so it could be like a corset and covered it with gray fabric paint. The belt accessory is made of EVA foam and craft foam. I added a heart that I bought from the dollar store after Valentine's day.
I bought some black boots in halloween and covered it with magenta fabric.
The shoulders pads avec only black worbla. No paint on it. It recovered some part with the same fabric as the boots. And under the shoulders pad, I added some fake diamonds/glitter sticker bought in the same dollar store as the heart (Dollorama)
I made the gloves with some white fabric.
The chainsaw is made with insulation foam. I recovered it with the same magenta fabric and the silver fabric. I added the other half of the heart that i bought, some fake rubis and fake diamonds glitters sticker.
I used velcro to stick the chest plate , the suit and the shoulders together.
The belt and his accessory are stick together with hooks so I can remove it when I want.