Here is my first prop. I'm glad I didn't tackle Crescent Rose for my first. There are some things I would like to touch up on but here is what went into making the rapier.
Happy Fun Note One: It actually revolves. The first thing I wanted to accomplish with this weapon.
Happy Fun Note Two: See those Dust chambers? Inside those we have 'actual' Dust (AKA: Powdered candy).
So here my journey is documented via webcam photos. I went into more detail on Google+ if you can venture far enough back to find my explanations. Or if you're curious, leave a comment and I can go into more detail about making the prop.
This took about a month. As I'm a student a lot of this was done on snow days which must've been some sort of blessing as I was working on the weapon for "Weiss Schnee" which literally translates to "White Snow".