This is my Other Mother/the Bedlam from the animated movie Coraline. I tried to do a half an half sort of costume.
The right half is her original form, and the left is her almost-final form. The dress I found in the first second-hand store we walked into, much to the incredulity of my mother. She thought I'd never find anything like it ever. Then I added the collar-y bit, which is made from black fabric and wire. The white spots have been dusted with black paint and small bits of black and mesh fabric have been added to the skirt. The arm is made from old black stockings, and rolled paper for the bones. The needle fingers are actually metal, sharpened pieces of steel wire. I did the face paint myself. The black wig I got online, as well as the button eyes. They were actually too big at first, so I managed to get my dad to pare them down on his lathe. People came up to me all night asking me how I I ept the buttons on and/or how I could see. I used puffy double-sided tape and spirit gum, and it was really quite easy to see because of the big holes in the buttons.
I won with this costume! I got a signed picture of the guy who does the english dub for Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemistand various other animes.