First deployed: Anime North 2015
This started as a joke, when DLC content for Hyrule Warriors was revealed, a postman costume for Link was one of the additions. I had wanted to cosplay Link but probably would never get around to it... then add in peer pressure of such a ridiculous costume and the simplicity of it well...
Mai-sheri was kind enough to lend her leftover fabric and patterning to make the shirt and shorts easily. I found a cardboard tube and painted up the banner. A simple fabric covered craft foam hat and painted up bag from an outlet store and done.
To add to the ridiculousness, Mai-sheri (Twili Midna) and Kurumasha (Agitha) had been going to do twilight princess characters but figured they wouldn't be done in time... and so with some fanart done by Featherweight and throwing Hikari Moro into Mai-Sheri's old Imp Midna, the postal brigade was born.