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Bandit Spurs Bandit Spurs January 23rd, 2015 at 4:17 PM

Bandit Spurs' Cold Porcelain clay recipe

I put this recipe together after a few trail and errors and after pouring over many other recipes for Cold Porcelain Clay, which is also known sometimes as "Biscuit" clay.

This recipe is one of the more basic approaches and is pretty user-friendly. It's a good recipe to keep in mind because it can be made in under half and hour from household items (BTW the Elmer's glue can be substituted for Wood Glue). Weighing in at about $5 a pound it can sure save you some cash when the alternative is driving to your local craft supplies store!

I use CP clay to sculpt positives for molding accessories for my cosplays and for making jewelery. It's a versatile air dry clay.

Feel free re-post and share this recipe but please try to credit me in the comments, linking to my Facebook page is greatly appreciated!

Bandit Spurs <3

Product Review ;  EOS Ice Blue by

Circle lenses are a temporary cosmetic enhancement that both colorizes and enlarges your irises.  They are great for cosplay and costumes, they are also popular accessories for JPop stars and on photo shoots.

I had my first experience with colored contacts this summer I purchased them online from  Previous to this my only experience with contacts were for vision correction.  The contacts provided to me by my optometrist were both rigid and uncomfortable. However my experience with the colored circle lenses has been a good one. I have had these lenses for several months now and have warned them on numerous occasions, often for long hours at the time.  

 I used the EOS Ice Blue circle lenses for my Zelda cosplay and my Yuna cosplay this summer and I am very pleased with their effect. Blue is a very popular color amongst video game and anime characters, so I have found these lenses to be a very good investment.

Price: 5/5 ($ 18.50 + Free shipping)

Delivery: 5/5 (fast delivery, came with complementary lens case)

Comfort: 4/5 (I would usually forget I was even wearing them. Occasionally my eyes would blur)

Colorization: 3.5/5 Light colorization, good effect but not super dramatic.

Shelf Life: 1 year (or more with good care and regular solution changing)




Here is a short video tutorial providing my technique for tying Lacus Clyne's commander outfit belt.
This is for a bit of a niche market but I had a hard time finding any resources so this is my contribution to the Cosplay network.

Video link

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